Noordzee-Atlas / Kaarten / animaties Chemische Kwaliteit Noordzee Sediment / HEGEMAN WATER EXPERTISE NL
North Sea Atlas / Maps / Animations of chemicals in surface sediment in The Netherlands

Example: Cadmium concentration in surface bottom sediment (fraction <63µm) of the year 1981 with legenda:

Click the year and legenda to view the high-quality jpg-files.

Cadmium / Cadmium:
[1981] [1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Cd 1981 - 2006 gif-format ]
Koper / Copper:
[1981] [1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Cu 1981 - 2006 gif-format ]
Zink / Zinc:
[1981] [1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Zn 1981 - 2006 gif-format ]
Lood / Lead:
[1981] [1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Pb 1981 - 2006 gif-format ]
Chroom / Chromium:
[1981] [1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Cr 1981 - 2006 gif-format ]
Kwik / Mercury:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Hg 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Nikkel / Nickel:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Ni 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Arseen / Arsenic:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation As 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
som PCB / sum PCB (52, 101, 138, 153, 170, 180):
[1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation PCB1986 - 2006 gif-format ]
som / sum PAH (Flu, BbF, BkF, BaP, BghiPe, InP):
[1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation PAK / PAH 1986 - 2006 gif-format ]
[1986] [1991] [1996] [2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation HCB 1986 - 2006 gif-format ]
TBT / TBT (tributyltin):
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation TBT 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
TFyT (trifenyltin) / TPhenT (triphenyltin):
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation TFyT / TPhenT 1986 - 2006 gif-format ]
Barium / Barium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Ba 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Cobalt / Cobalt:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Co 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Molybdeen / Molybdenum:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Mo 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Seleen / Selenium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Se 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Vanadium / Vanadium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation V 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Zilver / Silver:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Ag 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Uranium / Uranium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation U 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Titaan / Titanium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Ti 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Aluminium / Aluminium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Al 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Lithium / Lithium:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Li 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
IJzer / Iron:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Fe 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Koolstof / Carbon:
[2006] [Legenda]
Fosfor / Phosphorus:
[2000] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation P 2000 - 2006 gif-format ]
Minerale delen kleiner dan 63 µm / Mineral particles smaller than 63 µm:
[1996] [2003] [2006] [Legenda]
[ animatie / animation Minerale delen kleiner dan 63 µm / Mineral particles smaller than 63 µm 1996 - 2006 gif-format ]
Minerale delen kleiner dan 16 µm / Mineral particles smaller than 16 µm:
[2006] [Legenda]

The figures were published in the reports:

Concentraties, Trends en Normtoetsing van chemische stoffen in het oppervlakte sediment van het Nederlandse Continentale Plat (1981 - 2006).
Wim J.M. Hegeman en Remi W.P.M. Laane, Deltares 2008. [PDF 21 Mbyte]

Kaarten en animaties van Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Hg, Ni, As, Ag, Al, Ba, Co, Fe, Li, Mo, P, Se, Ti, U, V, % C, minerale delen (<16µm en <63µm) en organische verbindingen: PCB, PAK, HCB, TBT en Trifenyltin. [HTM]
Databestanden: []
Sampling and method used: [Sampling and high-quality film (avi-format)]

Concentraties en Normtoetsing van stoffen in het oppervlakte sediment van het Nederlandse Continentale Plat (1981 - 2003) Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, Hg, Ni en As en organische verbindingen: PCB, PAK, HCB en TBT. Wim J.M. Hegeman en Remi W.P.M. Laane. RIKZ werkdocument 2004.138.

IDON Noordzee-Atlas (figures 1981- 1996)
De Noordzee-atlas is een initiatief van het IDON (Interdepartementaal Directeurenoverleg Noordzee), een samenwerkingsverband van tien departementen opererend op de Noordzee. Rijkswaterstaat Noordzee en het Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee van Rijkswaterstaat hebben in samenwerking met de betrokken departementen de atlas gerealiseerd. NoordzeeAtlas Noordzee Atlas Noordzee-Atlas IDON